.. _tut-gemv-00-basic-syntax: GEMV Tutorial 0: Basic CSL Syntax ================================= This tutorial is the first in a series of successive tutorials aimed at teaching CSL and the SDK by implementing a general matrix-vector product, or GEMV. We start by illustrating the syntax of some of the core language constructs. The code in this example is not a complete program, but it shows some of the most commonly-used features of the language. Before you start ---------------- These tutorials are intended for a beginner CSL programmer using the Cerebras SDK. Before you proceed, make sure you installed the Cerebras SDK successfully. See :ref:`install-guide`. Learning objectives ------------------- .. include:: objectives.rst Introduction ------------ .. include:: introduction.rst Example overview ---------------- .. include:: overview.rst Writing the CSL --------------- .. include:: device-code.rst Next ---- In the next tutorial, we'll expand this code to a full program.