Data Structure Descriptors

Data Structure Descriptors (DSDs) are a compact representation of a (possibly non-contiguous) chunk of memory or a sequence of incoming or outgoing wavelets. Combined with DSD operations, DSDs enable various repeated operations to be expressed using just one hardware instruction.

Basic Syntax

DSDs are defined in CSL using the following syntax:

@get_dsd(dsd_type, properties);


  • dsd_type is one of mem1d_dsd, mem4d_dsd, fabin_dsd, or fabout_dsd.

  • properties is a struct that specifies auxiliary properties of the particular DSD type.

Different DSD types require different properties.

One-Dimensional Memory Vectors

The mem1d_dsd type is used to encode a memory vector using a single induction variable. Memory vectors are configured using the following fields:

  • tensor_access

  • wavelet_index_offset


The memory access pattern is defined by the tensor_access field, which is expected to contain an affine map, like so:

const array = @zeros([10]u16);
const tenWords = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i|{10} -> array[i]

In the above snippet, tenWords is a mem1d_dsd specifying accesses to array at indices 0 through 9.

The affine map described by the tensor_access field has the following syntax:

|<induction-variable>| {<length>} -> <array-variable>[<expr>]


  • induction-variable is the loop iteration variable

  • length specifies the number of times to iterate

  • array-variable is a pointer to a variable of array type

  • expr is an affine expression of the loop iteration variable and comptime-known values

The tensor_access expression can be used to refer to odd elements of an array:

const array = @zeros([10]u16);
const oddElements = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i|{5} -> array[2 * i + 1]

The tensor_access expression can be used to refer to a single element of the array as well:

const array = @zeros([10]u16);
const firstElement = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i|{10} -> array[0]

Such a pattern is often useful in reduction operations.

Although mem1d_dsd allows only one induction variable, the underlying array can still be a multidimensional array. For instance, the following mem1d DSD refers to the diagonal elements of a 2D (20x20) array.

const array = @zeros([20,20]u16);
const diagonal = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i|{20} -> array[i,i]


The wavelet_index_offset field expects a comptime-known boolean value that indicates whether the wavelet_index_offset mode is enabled.

If the wavelet_index_offset mode is enabled, the address of the underlying memory buffer is incremented by the index specified in the DSD operation as explained in Explicit Index Offset.

If a DSD with wavelet_index_offset enabled is used in a DSD operation, the DSD operation must provide an index field. Otherwise, the behavior of the respective DSD operation is undefined.

const array = @zeros([size]u16);
const memDSD = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i|{10} -> array[i],
  .wavelet_index_offset = true

task my_task() void {
  // The addition will start at an offset specified
  // by 'my_index'.
  @add16(memDSD, memDSD, data, .{.index = my_index});

  // The behavior of this builtin is undefined.
  @add16(memDSD, memDSD, data);

Two-, Three-, or Four-Dimensional Memory Vectors

The mem4d_dsd is a DSD type that is used to refer to multi-dimensional memory vectors, up to a maximum of four dimensions. Multi-dimensional memory vectors are configured using the following fields:

  • tensor_access

  • wavelet_index_offset


Like one-dimensional memory vectors, the specific memory locations for mem4d_dsd are also specified using the affine map in the tensor_access field, although the programmer can specify up to four induction variables and length values.

The following example shows a DSD that points to a 2x2 subset of a 2D array.

const array = @zeros([4,3]u16);
const subset = @get_dsd(mem4d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i,j|{2,2} -> array[i, j]

The following, more complicated, example shows a DSD that uses all four dimensions with non-zero offsets.

const array = @zeros([1,2,3,4]u16);
const subset = @get_dsd(mem4d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i,j,k,l|{1,2,1,4} -> array[i, j, 1+k, l]

mem4d DSDs can be used with single-dimensional vectors as well, like in the following, somewhat contrived, example:

const subset = @get_dsd(mem4d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i,j,k,l|{1,1,1,1} -> array[i + j + k + l]


See wavelet_index_offset.

Pointers To Scalars As Destinations

Some DSD operations support pointers to scalars as destination arguments. These operations essentially behave as if the destination were a memory DSD with zero stride, whose destination is a one-element array whose data is stored at the pointer. For example:

const src_array = [8]f16{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
// src_dsd will access src_array at indices, 0, 2, 4, and 6.
const src_dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i|{4} -> src_array[2*i]

const dst_array = @zeros([1]f16);
// Because dst_dsd has zero stride (`i` is never mentioned to the right of
// the arrow in the tensor access expression), the @fmovh below will first
// move 0, then 2, then 4, then 6 into dst_array[0]. Thus afterwards,
// dst_array[0] will have a value of 6.
const dst_dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i|{4} -> dst_array[0]
@fmovh(dst_array, src_dsd);
@assert(dst_array[0] == 6);

// An @fmovh operation with a pointer to scalar as its destination behaves
// similarly, so the value of dst_scalar after the following @fmovh will
// also be 6.
const dst_scalar: f16 = 0;
@fmovh(&dst_scalar, src_dsd);
@assert(dst_scalar == 6);

Fabric Input Vectors

The fabin_dsd DSD type is used to refer to wavelets arriving at the PE from the fabric. Fabric input vectors are configured using the following two fields.

  • fabric_color, which specifies the color of the wavelets to associate with this vector

  • extent, which specifies the number of wavelets that this vector refers to

For instance, the following DSD refers to 5 wavelets expected to arrive on color trigger.

const inDsd = @get_dsd(fabin_dsd, .{ .extent = 5, .fabric_color = trigger });

Fabric Output Vectors

Fabric output vectors, specified using the fabout_dsd type, are configured similarly to fabric input (fabin_dsd) vectors, with the exception that fabric output vectors may contain the following additional fields:

  • control

  • wavelet_index_offset


The control field expects a comptime-known boolean expression, which is used to signify control wavelets.

For instance, the following DSD refers to 1024 non-control wavelets to be sent along the color tx.

const outDsd = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd, .{ .extent = 1024, .fabric_color = tx });

Whereas the following DSD refers to a single control wavelet to be sent along the color out.

const dsd = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd, .{
  .extent = 1,
  .control = true,
  .fabric_color = out,


The wavelet_index_offset field expects a comptime-known boolean expression, which is used to enable the wavelet_index_offset mode. When this mode is enabled, the outgoing wavelets will carry a fixed index field specified by the user per-operation as explained in Explicit Index Offset. Similar to the semantics of memory DSDs, if the operations that use fabric output DSDs with wavelet_index_offset enabled do not specify an index value, then the behavior is undefined.

const outDSD = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd, .{
  .extent = 1,
  .fabric_color = out,
  .wavelet_index_offset = true,

task my_task() void {
  // The outgoing wavelets will have 'my_index' stored in
  // their high 16-bits.
  @add16(outDSD, memDSD, 42, .{.index = my_index});

  // The behavior of this builtin is undefined.
  @add16(outDSD, memDSD, 42);


A FIFO DSD is a kind of DSD that uses a memory region to create a First-In First-Out buffer.

To create a FIFO DSD, the @allocate_fifo builtin is used:

var fifo_buffer = @zeros([32]i16);
const fifo = @allocate_fifo(fifo_buffer);

The @allocate_fifo builtin must be associated with a const variable in the global scope. The argument to @allocate_fifo must be a global array or pointer to a global array. This array must be marked as var and must have elements of type i16, u16, f16, i32, u32 or f32.

Allocating a FIFO consumes hardware resources for the duration of the program, as such they should be used sparingly.

The following restrictions apply when using a FIFO DSD in a DSD operation:

  • The FIFO DSD operand must be comptime-known.

  • A FIFO cannot be used as an operand to the @map builtin.

  • If a DSD operation uses more than one source operand:

    • at most one operand may be a FIFO DSD, and

    • the FIFO DSD operand must not be the first (left-most) source operand.

An asynchronous DSD operation that reads from an empty FIFO will be suspended until the FIFO receives an element.

An asynchronous DSD operation that writes to a full FIFO will be suspended until the FIFO is not full.

A non-asynchronous DSD operation that reads from an empty FIFO will terminate and return false. The length of the FIFO will be updated to the remaining length after the FIFO became empty. If the destination operand is a pointer to a scalar, any data popped from the FIFO during the operation will be discarded, and the value stored at the pointer will remain unchanged.

A non-asynchronous DSD operation that writes to a full FIFO will terminate and return false. The length of the FIFO will be updated to the remaining length after the FIFO became full.

FIFOs are typically used with a pair of DSD operations: one operation writing elements to the FIFO and one operation reading elements from the FIFO. For example:

@mov16(fifo, ...); // Write to the FIFO
@mov16(..., fifo); // Read from the FIFO

Task Activation on Pop and Push

The @allocate_fifo builtin takes an optional configuration struct with two fields, both optional. The .activate_pop field specifies a color or task to be activated on pop from the FIFO, and .activate_push specifies a color or task to be activated on push to the FIFO.

Note that the specified .activate_pop task is only activated on pop if the FIFO has previously hit a FIFO full event, and if the pop causes the FIFO to transition from having insufficient free space to having sufficient free space, where “sufficient free space” means sufficient space for the push operation that originally triggered the FIFO full event to proceed. The amount of space required depends on the operand size and SIMD width of the push operation that previously triggered the FIFO full event.

Similar rules apply in the other direction: the .activate_push task is only activated on push if the FIFO has previously hit a FIFO empty event, and if the push causes the FIFO to transition from having insufficient data to having sufficient data, where “sufficient data” means sufficient data in the queue for the pop operation that originally triggered the FIFO empty event to proceed.

task on_push() void { ... }
task on_pop() void { ... }

var fifo_buffer = @zeros([32]i16);
const fifo = @allocate_fifo(
  .{ .activate_pop = on_pop, .activate_push = on_push }

Changing FIFO Properties

The following builtins can be used to change the properties of a FIFO at runtime. Changing FIFO properties at comptime will be enabled in the future through the FIFO initialization builtin (i.e., @allocate_fifo). As was mentioned earlier, FIFOs acquire hardware resources for the duration of the program and therefore updating the properties of FIFOs happens in-place by directly accessing these hardware resources without creating new DSD values as is the case for the rest of the DSD kinds.

@set_fifo_read_length and @set_fifo_write_length

Update the length field of a FIFO that is associated with a read or write operation respectively.

@set_fifo_read_length(fifo, length);
@set_fifo_write_length(fifo, length);


  • fifo is a comptime-known FIFO DSD expression.

  • length is a 16-bit unsigned integer expression that specifies the length to be applied in number of FIFO elements.

var fifo_buffer = @zeros([32]i16);
// FIFOs are always initialized with read/write length zero.
const fifo = @allocate_fifo(fifo_buffer);
const fifo_length = 42;

// Sets the FIFO write length before a write operation.
@set_fifo_write_length(fifo, fifo_length);
@mov16(fifo, ...);

// Sets the FIFO read length before a read operation.
@set_fifo_read_length(fifo, fifo_length);
@move(..., fifo);

The builtin will update the read or write length of the input FIFO in-place by modifying the underlying hardware resource directly.

Changing DSD Properties

The following builtins can be used to change DSD properties at runtime or comptime. All of these builtins will always result in a new DSD value while the input value remains unchanged.


Create a new memory DSD value based on the input memory DSD value and base address.


@set_dsd_base_addr(input_dsd, base_addr);


  • input_dsd is a memory DSD expression, i.e., a DSD expression with a type that is either mem1d_dsd or mem4d_dsd.

  • base_addr is a tensor identifier or a pointer expression whose base-type is a tensor.


var A = @zeros([10]i16);
// Create a new DSD that is a clone of 'input_dsd' but has
// 'A' as its base-address.
var dsd1 = @set_dsd_base_addr(input_dsd, A);
// Use a pointer expression as the new base-address parameter.
var dsd2 = @set_dsd_base_addr(input_dsd, &A);


The builtin returns a new memory DSD value that is a clone of the input DSD value but with the provided base_addr parameter as the new base address. The new base address will replace both the base address and offset (if any) of the input DSD value.


Create a new memory DSD value based on the input memory DSD value, offset and tensor element type.


@increment_dsd_offset(input_dsd, offset, elem_type);


  • input_dsd is a memory DSD expression, i.e., a DSD expression with a type that is either mem1d_dsd or mem4d_dsd.

  • offset is a 16-bit signed integer that specifies the offset to be applied as number of elements of elem_type.

  • elem_type is a type expression that is used to convert offset into number of words. It must be a numeric type (u8, i8, u16, i16, i16, i32, f16, or f32) but not comptime_int or comptime_float.


const A = @zeros([10, 10]f32);

// dsdA is defined as a 2x2 square that is at a diagonal
// offset within A.
const dsdA = @get_dsd(mem4d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i, j|{2, 2} -> A[i + 1, j + 1]});

// Create a new DSD that is a clone of the 'dsdA' but its
// base address is moved backwards by 10 f32 elements. In
// practice, new_dsd will have moved the 2x2 square upwards
// by one row.
var new_dsd = @increment_dsd_offset(dsdA, -10, f32);


The builtin returns a new memory DSD value that is a clone of the input DSD value but with a new base address that is the result of adding the offset parameter to the base address of the input DSD. The offset parameter specifies the number of tensor elements to be added to the input DSD’s base address. The builtin performs no runtime or comptime checks for out-of-bounds accesses so the user needs to be aware of such risk.


Create a new DSD value based on the input DSD and length.


@set_dsd_length(input_dsd, length);


  • input_dsd is a DSD expression with any DSD type except mem4d_dsd.

  • length is a 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies the length to be applied in number of tensor elements or wavelets.


The builtin returns a new DSD value that is a clone of the input DSD value but with the new length applied.


Create a new 1D memory DSD value based on the input 1D memory DSD and stride.


@set_dsd_stride(input_dsd, stride);


  • input_dsd is a DSD expression that must be of type mem1d_dsd.

  • stride is an 8-bit signed integer that specifies the stride to be applied in number of tensor elements.


The builtin returns a new DSD value that is a clone of the input DSD value but with the new stride applied.

Asynchronous DSD Operations

DSD operations involving fabric operands are allowed to happen asynchronously. This causes a new thread to start executing concurrently with any ongoing tasks and other asynchronous operations.

A DSD operation will happen asynchronously if all of these conditions are true:

  1. At least one DSD operand has a fabric DSD type, that is, fabin_dsd or fabout_dsd.

  2. The async configuration is used.

  3. At least one DSR operand was loaded using the async configuration (see @load_to_dsr).

For example:

// The @mov16 operation will be asynchronous.
@mov16(destination_dsd, source_dsd, .{.async = true});

// The @mov16 will also be asynchronous even though ``async`` is not
// specified by the operation itself.
const source_dsr = @get_dsr(dsr_src0, 0);
@load_to_dsr(destination_dsd, dsr, .{.async = true});
@mov16(destination_dsd, source_dsr);

If a DSR was marked as asynchronous when a DSD was loaded to it with @load_to_dsr, then the async configuration does not have to be specified in the operation too unless there is at least one memory DSD operand. In general, it is recommended that async is specified in the operation as well even if it is redundant.

All of the following configuration settings are directly applicable to DSRs when using the @load_to_dsr builtin (see @load_to_dsr).

Completion of Asynchronous DSD Operations

When an asynchronous DSD operation completes, it may optionally activate or unblock a task. The task to be activated or unblocked is specified in the last argument of the DSD operation.

For example:

@mov16(destination_dsd, source_dsd, .{.async = true, .activate = mytask});
@mov16(destination_dsd, source_dsd, .{.async = true, .unblock = mytask});

At most one of activate or unblock may be specified.

the activate field can be a comptime-known color or task name or a runtime color. The unblock field can be a comptime-known color or task name or a runtime color.

The specified task must be bound to a color through a call to @bind_task.

Dynamic Completion Based on Control Wavelets

The completion of an asynchronous DSD operation can also be triggered by control wavelets. This capability must be explicitly enabled through the last argument of the DSD operation by specifying the on_control field.

For example:

// The asynchronous DSD operation will terminate.
@mov16(destination_dsd, source_dsd,
       .{.async = true, .on_control = .{.terminate = true}});

// The asynchronous DSD operation will terminate and task 'mytask' will be
// activated
@mov16(destination_dsd, source_dsd,
       .{.async = true, .on_control = .{.activate = mytask}});

// The asynchronous DSD operation will terminate and task 'mytask' will be
// unblocked
@mov16(destination_dsd, source_dsd,
       .{.async = true, .on_control = .{.unblock = mytask}});

The terminate action requires a comptime-known boolean expression while the activate action requires a comptime-known color or task name. The unblock action may use a comptime-known color or task name.

The specified task must be bound to a color through a call to @bind_task.

Hardware Resources and Asynchronous DSD Operations

Asynchronous operations consume two kinds of hardware resources: queues and microthreads. It is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that concurrent asynchronous DSD operations do not share the same resource (queue or microthread).

Fabric Queues

Fabric operands involved in asynchronous DSD operations must be associated with a queue. Input/Output queues are hardware buffers where data is temporarily stored before entering or leaving the compute engine (CE) of a PE.

To specify a queue for fabric input DSDs (fabin_dsd), the input_queue attribute must be used, with a value of type input_queue or an integer (deprecated) as the queue identifier:

const my_fabin_dsd = @get_dsd(fabin_dsd,
                                .input_queue = @get_input_queue(0), ...});

To specify a queue for fabric output DSDs (fabout_dsd), the output_queue attribute must be used, with a value of type output_queue or an integer (deprecated) as the queue identifier:

const my_fabout_dsd = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd,
                                 .output_queue = @get_output_queue(0), ...});

The hardware has a finite number of input and output queues, each with different buffering capabilities.

Queue Identifiers

Input Queue Length (words)

Output Queue Length (words)

0, 1



2, 3



4, 5



6, 7



It is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that no two concurrent DSD operations share an output or input queue:

task t() void {
  @mov16(fabric_out_dsd, memory_dsd1, .{ .async = true });
  @mov16(fabric_out_dsd, memory_dsd2, .{ .async = true }); // Bad: same
                                                           // output queue

In the example, two concurrent asynchronous operations are spawned using the same fabout_dsd as the destination operand. Therefore, they also use the same output_queue, which is invalid.

It is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that there are no elements in a queue before reusing it for a different operation.


Asynchronous DSD operations require a hardware microthread, which is a finite resource.

In existing architectures, the microthread identifier is fully specified by one of the input or output queues involved in the operation:

  1. If a fabout_dsd operand is used, the microthread identifier is the same as the output_queue identifier.

  2. Otherwise, the microthread identifier is the same as the input_queue identifier of the first fabin_dsd operand.

It is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that no two concurrent DSD operations share a microthread.

const fabric_out_dsd = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd,
                                .{.extent = 10,
                                  .output_queue = @get_output_queue(0)});
const fabric_in_dsd =  @get_dsd(fabin_dsd,
                                .{.extent = 10,
                                  .input_queue = @get_input_queue(0)});

const mem1_dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, ...);
const mem2_dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, ...);

task t() void {
  @mov16(fabric_out_dsd, mem1_dsd, .{ .async = true }); // Microthread ID 0
  @mov16(mem2_dsd, fabric_in_dsd, .{ .async = true });  // Bad: same
                                                        // Microthread ID!

Microthread Priority

The Cerebras hardware supports a priority setting for asynchronous operations. This is also called microthread priority. An asynchronous DSD operation with a fabric input DSD as its destination may have priority specified as follows:

@mov16(destination_dsd, source_dsd,
       .{ .async = true, .priority = .{ .high = true });

Valid choices for priority are high, medium, and low (the default).

In general, the hardware will favor the scheduling of higher-priority operations when multiple microthreads are running. Priority of the main thread, i.e., of non-async operations, may also be adjusted. By default, synchronous operations have a priority between medium and low microthreads. See main_thread_priority for information on how to adjust the main-thread priority level.

Explicit Index Offset

A DSD operation may have an index configuration field, which is expected to be an unsigned 16-bit integer value. If this setting is combined with the wavelet_index_offset property of memory and/or fabout DSDs, it will have the following semantics:

  • Memory DSDs: the index value represents a word offset that is added to the base address of the underlying memory buffer.

  • Fabric Output DSDs: the index value represents the index that is set to all outgoing wavelets, i.e., all outgoing wavelets will have index set in their high 16-bits.

For example:

const array = @zeros([size]u16);
const memDSD = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i|{10} -> array[i],
  .wavelet_index_offset = true

const outDSD = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd, .{
  .extent = 1,
  .fabric_color = out,
  .wavelet_index_offset = true,

task my_task() void {
  // The addition will start at an offset specified
  // by 'my_index'.
  @add16(memDSD, memDSD, 42, .{.index = my_index});

  // The outgoing wavelets will have 'my_index' stored in
  // their high 16-bits.
  @add16(outDSD, memDSD, 42, .{.index = my_index});

The index configuration field is not currently supported by DSD operations with less than 3 arguments.

The index configuration will be ignored by DSDs that do not have the wavelet_index_offset property enabled.

Advanced DSD Features


When using 16-bit values with fabric DSDs, it is possible to send or receive more than one value in a single wavelet using the so-called SIMD mode. The following code block shows how to use SIMD-32 mode with a fabric output DSD.

const out_dsd = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd, .{
  .extent = 10,
  .fabric_color = out_color,
  .simd_mode = .{ .simd_32 = true },

In simd_32 mode, a single wavelet carries two 16-bit values. In simd_64 mode, two wavelets must be ready, otherwise the DSD operation stalls. In simd_32_or_64 mode, the operation proceeds (i.e. it doesn’t stall) as long as at least one wavelet is ready.

Reset a Source Operand

When the destination operand is a fabric output DSD, once the DSD operation is complete, the architecture can clear the memory vector represented by the source operand of the DSD operation. For instance, the following block of code sets the fabric output DSD properties so the memory represented by the operation’s first source operand is reset to zero when the operation completes.

const out_dsd = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd, .{
  .extent = 10,
  .fabric_color = out_color,
  .zero = .{ .first_source = true },

const in_first_dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i|{10} -> first_source[i]

const in_second_dsd = @get_dsd(mem1d_dsd, .{
  .tensor_access = |i|{10} -> second_source[i]

// Multiply vectors and send to fabric.  Reset `first_source` when complete.
@fmulh(out_dsd, in_first_dsd, out_first_dsd);

To reset the second source operand’s memory, use .zero = .{ .second_source = true }. When the DSD operation has just one source operand, use .second_source = true. At any time, only one of first_source or second_source can be used.

Advancing Switch Positions

Fabric output DSDs can automatically advance switch positions when the last wavelet is sent. To use this feature, set the advance_switch field of the fabric output DSD to be true, like in the example below, which will cause the switch position for the color out_color to advance after all ten wavelets have been sent to the fabric.

const out_dsd = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd, .{
  .extent = 10,
  .advance_switch = true,
  .fabric_color = out_color,

Control Wavelet Transform

Control Wavelet Transform handles relaying control wavelets. Consider a scenario where there is a “buffering” PE which receives wavelets from the fabric and pushes them into a FIFO, using a microthread. There is also another microthread that pops data from the FIFO and sends them into the fabric. What if there is a requirement to relay control wavelets as well? By default, the approach described above cannot work since the task receives only the “index” and “data” bits of the wavelets, and the bit signifying that a wavelet is a control wavelet is outside of those bits. That means that if a control wavelet is pushed into the FIFO, the control bit is lost, so when it’s the time to pop it, it will be sent away as a regular wavelet, instead of a control wavelet.

To get around this limitation, the control_transform field can be used. By specifying control_transform to be true for the fabric input DSD, when a control wavelet is received, the two most significant bits of the index portion of the wavelet are overwritten to signify that the wavelet stored in the FIFO is a control wavelet. Then, a fabric output DSD with control_transform set to true can be used to reconstruct control wavelets and send them to the fabric.

var in_dsd = @get_dsd(fabin_dsd, .{ .fabric_color = recv_channel,
                                    .extent = 100,
                                    .input_queue = @get_input_queue(0),
                                    .control_transform = true });
const out_dsd = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd, .{ .extent = 100,
                                        .fabric_color = send_channel,
                                        .output_queue = @get_output_queue(1),
                                        .control_transform = true });

var buf = @zeros([5]u32);
const fifo = @allocate_fifo(buf);

task buffer() void {
  @mov32(fifo, in_dsd, .{ .async = true });
  @mov32(out_dsd, fifo, .{ .async = true });

Note since the two most significant bits of the index are overwritten, when control_transform is used, only the least significant 14 bits of the index can be utilized by the user. This property can only be used with fabric DSDs.