Debugging Guide

This section describes how to debug your kernel code. See Working With Code Samples for how to compile and simulate (run the program).

To debug, you can use the following tools:

  • csdb debugger for interactive debugging on hardware.

  • sdk_debug_shell visualize, which launches the SDK GUI to look at all simulation results such as timeline and traces. See SDK GUI for more information.

CSDB debugger

CSDB is the Cerebras Software Language Debugger for the Wafer-Scale Engine. CSDB can be run on the host machine for interactive debugging with the Wafer-Scale Engine on issues such as hangs and functional failures. CSDB can also be used to inspect and debug coredumps produced from a simulator run.

Below is a tutorial on how to use csdb to inspect a coredump from a simulator run.


We will use the GEMV with Checkerboard Pattern example program for this tutorial. First, to produce corefiles, we will need to add the following line to right before runner.stop() is called:


Note that the specified filename for the coredump MUST be corefile.cs1 to produce the correct file types for csdb.

Run to compile and execute the program and produce the corefiles. The run will produce four files: corefile.cs1_0, corefile.cs1_1, corefile.cs1_2, and corefile.cs1_3.

We are now ready to use csdb. Start csdb from the current working directory:

$ csdb .
INFO:csdb: . contains more than one CSL compile directory.
Starting debug shell...

csdb reports that we have multiple compile directories: this is because the top level compile directory, out, contains subdirectories containing compile output for the memcpy infrastructure.

Select out as our compile context, and target the produced corefiles:

(csdb) context select out
(csdb) target create --core-file=corefile.cs1

Run settings to see the current working directory, compile context, and target, along with the fabric rectangle dimensions:

(csdb) settings
INFO:csdb: Workdir: .
INFO:csdb: Compile context: gemv-checkerboard-pattern/out/
INFO:csdb: Target (core file): corefile.cs1
INFO:csdb: Rectangle(s):
INFO:csdb:   Rect (x = 0, y = 0, width = 11, height = 6) selected
INFO:csdb: Trace: no selected.

Run help to take a look at the available options:

(csdb) help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
context  memory     register  target  wavelet
image    rectangle  settings  trace   workdir

Undocumented commands:
exit  help  quit

Select a new subrectangle of PEs, containing only a single PE, and deselect the default rectangle containing the whole fabric. Show the current rectangle(s) with rectangle show:

(csdb) rectangle show
INFO:csdb: Rectangle(s):
INFO:csdb:   Rect (x = 0, y = 0, width = 11, height = 6) selected
(csdb) rectangle select 4,1,1,1
(csdb) rectangle show
INFO:csdb: Rectangle(s):
INFO:csdb:   Rect (x = 0, y = 0, width = 11, height = 6) selected
INFO:csdb:   Rect (x = 4, y = 1, width = 1, height = 1) selected
(csdb) rectangle deselect 0,0,11,6
INFO:csdb: Removing ('', Rect (x = 0, y = 0, width = 11, height = 6))
(csdb) rectangle show
INFO:csdb: Rectangle(s):
INFO:csdb:   Rect (x = 4, y = 1, width = 1, height = 1) selected

We can read memory values of the PE in the rectangle by using the memory command:

(csdb) memory read --address 0x9e0  --length 4
MSGS155 21:48:27 GMT  Output will be directed to file 'memory-x4y1w1h1_09e0_09e4.log'
MSGS155 21:48:27 GMT  Log file: 'memory-x4y1w1h1_09e0_09e4.log'

The memory values will be written to the log file specified above.


  • Compilation context: The directory generated by cslc. By default, the name is out.

  • Trace: The directory generated after simulation is ran. By default, the name is simfab_traces.

  • Working directory: Also known as workdir, this is the directory to which the debugger writes its output.


Context command

The context command is used to select or change the compile context created by CSL compiler. Once a context is selected, a debug session can be started by creating a target.

Usage: context [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Set compile context.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  list    List all the compile context in workdir.
  select  Select the directory that contains the ELF binaries as compile...
  show    Show the selected compile context.

Example: list all the contexts and select one


The “.” after “[2]” in example below means current directory.

(csdb) context list
INFO:csdb: [0] orig_hw2/out
INFO:csdb: [1] orig_hw/out
INFO:csdb: [2] .
(csdb) context select orig_hw/out
# is same as
(csdb) context select [1]

Memory command

To read from the memory, the user must first specify a rectangle and a target. When memory read is called, CSDB will read from a core file or a device. The output of the read is piped into a log file with name beginning with “memory”. All address and lenght are in units of 16-bits (2-bytes).

Usage: memory [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Read and write to memory locations in PEs.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  read   Read memory from a core file or a device.
  write  Write memory to a device in units of 2-bytes.

Example: output from reading tile (4,1) on address 0x09e0, length 4

(4,1) 09e0: 06af 8af0 06af 8060

Rectangle command

The purpose of rectangle command is allow the user to select a rectangle within the fabric. By default, the selected rectangle is the entire fabric. The context must be selected before you can use the rectangle commands.

Usage: rectangle [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Select rectangle

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  reset   Resets the current rectangle to fabric dimension.
  select  Selects a rectangle.
  show    Shows the current rectangle.

Example: select a rectangle on (1,2) w3 h4

(csdb) rectangle select 1,2,3,4

Settings command

The settings command is used to see the work directory, compile context, target, rectangle and trace.

Target command

The purpose of target commands create is to create a debug session. It is similar to attaching gdb to a process. You can create an interactive debug session by connecting to a CM IP address, or perform a post-mortem debugging by examining a core file. During an interactive debug session, you can use save-core to save a core file for examination later.

(csdb) target
Usage: target [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Connect to CM for interactive debugging or examine a core file.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  create     Connects to CM or read core file as target.
  list       List all the core files.
  save-core  Save a core file after connecting to a CM target
  show       Show selected core file.

Example: create an interactive debug session

(csdb) target create --cmaddr

Example: list and load the core file

(csdb) target list
INFO:csdb: [0] core-ckpt
INFO:csdb: [1] my_try1-ckpt
(csdb) target create --core-file core-ckpt

Workdir command

The purpose workdir command is to specify a directory for output files to be written.

(csdb) workdir --help
Usage: workdir [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  workdir is the directory for debug session.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  select  Select a workdir.

Example: select a workdir

(csdb) workdir select path/to/workdir


The sdk_debug_shell tool is used to run a smoke test or launch the SDK GUI visualizer.

$ sdk_debug_shell --help
Usage: sdk_debug_shell [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]

  Debugger tool for the Cerebras WSE kernel code.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  smoke          Run the smoke tests.
  visualize      Invokes the visualization tool csviz.

Smoke test

The smoke option runs the smoke tests in the specified directory.

Usage: sdk_debug_shell smoke [OPTIONS] [CSL_EXAMPLES_DIR]...

  Run the smoke tests.

  --help  Show this message and exit.


When you use the visualize option, the debugger will invoke the SDK GUI and you can visually inspect the debugging information in a web browser. The default artifact_dir is the current directory.

$ sdk_debug_shell visualize --help
Usage: sdk_debug_shell visualize [OPTIONS]

  Visualize routing between PEs, post-simulation run results. For example,
  wavelet trace and instruction trace in a web browser.

  --artifact_dir PATH
  --help               Show this message and exit.